2 cups raw flour (grind raw rye berries or oat groats in your blender) OR almond flour
1 1/2 cups dates or raisins
1/8 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla
2 Tbs of fresh, peeled ginger
1-2 tsp cinnamon powder
1 Tbs unsulphered molasses
2 Tbs maple syrup (optional)
2 Tbs melted coconut oil
Raw sugar to garnish

Blend all ingredients together in a food processor until it forms into a doughy ball. Refridgerate for an hour and then, on a sheet of wax paper, shape it into little balls that you  stamp down with the bottom of a jar, or crisscross flat with a fork. (You could also roll flat between 2 sheets of wax paper and then cut into gingerbread men shapes. Sprinkle on raw sugar.

Refrigerate overnight or at least for a few hours, or dehydrate for a few hours so they actually “snap”.

Recipe by One Green Planet.

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