200g Cacao butter, melted 
1⁄2 cup Coconut oil, melted 
1⁄2 cup Agave 
2 cup Cacao powder
Seeds of 1 vanilla pod

Melt the cacao butter in a double boiler, or over a pot of water at low temperature. Put the melted liquid into your power blender. Add the melted coconut oil, agave and vanilla seeds and blend. Slowly sieve the cacao powder into the mixture and blend on low speed until everything is combined. All the ingredients can be mixed through by hand if you do not have a power blender.

Pour into chocolate moulds or ice trays and allow to set in the fridge.

Chocolate using
 Raw Cacao Paste

100g Raw Cacao Paste
50g Raw Cacao Butter
1/8 cup Agave*

1 T Mesquite Powder

Place the cacao paste and cacao butter in a metal bowl and suspend in another bowl of hot water and allow to melt. Add agave and mesquite and pour into molds.
 Add white Turkish Mulberries (or whatever tickles your fancy!) for a fruity Superfood Chocolate Bar.

*Adding too much agave can cause your chocolate mixture to seize so follow instructions carefully. 

Recipes by RAWlicious.

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