1 1/3 cups walnuts
1 1/2 cups sunflower seeds
1 1/3 cups almonds
1/2 cup oil
2 medium garlic cloves
1/2 Tbs ginger
1 1/2 tsp celtic sea salt
2 1/2 cups fresh, white button mushrooms (Don't substitute.)
1/2 cup fresh parsley
1/2 cup white onion
1 cup bell pepper (yellow, orange or red – do not use green pepper)
1 Tbs dried basil
1/2 Tbs dried rosemary
2 Tbs ground flax seed meal

Important! Soak the walnuts, sunflower seeds and almonds for three hours. Drain. Rinse with clean water. Drain again.

Process walnuts, sunflowers, almonds, oil, garlic, ginger and sea salt in your food processor. You might need to add a little bit of liquid to help facilitate movement in the food processor. Add water carefully, 1 tablespoon at a time. Process until doughy. Small chunks of nuts are okay.  Transfer nut mixture into a big mixing bowl.

Next, you're going to process a few ingredients ONE AT A TIME using the S-blade to make the ingredients finely chopped.(Alternatively, you can chop by hand but this is faster). You don't need to clean the food processor in between. Place mushrooms in the now-empty food processor and pulse just to make them finely chopped. (Be careful, do not overprocess!! We are just using the food processor to chop, not to liquify!!) Transfer mushrooms into the nut mixture bowl.

Place the parsley into the empty food processor and pulse to chop parsley. Transfer parsley to nut mixture bowl. Now, chop your onion the same way (pulse til finely chopped but do not overprocess) and add to nut mixture bowl. Now, place your bell pepper into your empty food processor and pulse to make finely chopped bell pepper. Add finely chopped bell pepper to nut mixture bowl.

Add the rosemary, basil and flax seed to nut mixture. Mix all ingredients together using your clean hands.

Form into small, single-serving loaves or patties, approximately 1.5 cm thick, probably 6 cm wide.  Do not make a big huge loaf because it won't dehydrate properly! Place on parchment paper inside your dehydrator.

Dehydrate on high for 2 hours. Reduce temperature to 41 degrees Celsius and continue dehydrating until you achieve the desired result. The outside will go dark first, then the inside will go dark as well. Leave a bit of moisture in these – don't overdry. 

Serve with some Basil Pesto or Sweet Pepper-Fennel Cream.

Recipe by The Rawtarian.

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